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How to Configure Data source on JBoss 7..?

  1. Configure Database Driver As A Module
  2. Configure Data Source
  3. Securing Database Password using Encrypted Data Source
  4. Configure Security Domain

Configure Other Database (Example PostgresQL)

		Copy JDBC driver (postgresql-9.1-901.jdbc4.jar) to $JBOSS_HOME\standalone\deployments folder
Method-2:Install Driver As a Module (Standard Way)
        a. Create folder named postgresql under:
        That will bring new directory:
        b. Create Sub Folder named main under:
        That will bring new directory:
        c. Copy JDBC driver to main folder:
        d. Create file named module.xml with contents
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <module xmlns="urn:jboss:module:1.0" name="org.postgresql">
	     <resource-root path="postgresql-9.1-901.jdbc4.jar"/>
      	   <module name="javax.api"/>
	       <module name="javax.transaction.api"/>
        It will configure database driver with name given in attribute value. For this example name of module will be org.postgresql
Step-1:Configure DataSource
		Open  $JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration/standalone.xml
		Add following Node at path:  /server/profile/subsystem/ datasources/

		<datasource jndi-name="jboss/datasources/jdbc/MyDS" pool-name="jboss/datasources/jdbc/MYDS_Pool" enabled="true" jta="true" use-java-context="true" use-ccm="true">

		Add following Node at path /server/profile/subsystem/ datasources/ drivers
	    <driver name="postgresql-jdbc4" module="org.postgresql"/>
		Note that value of the module should be same as given in first step while adding database driver as a module.
		It will create Data Source with name jboss/datasources/jdbc/MyDS
		That can be accessed from java source with name  java:/ jboss/datasources/jdbc/MyDS
Step-2:Securing Database Password in Data Source
        We have not provided password for database connection while defining data-source. If you want to specify you can replace security node with following:
        Since password is written there as plain text so it is not secure.
        In order to secure the database password in data source, configure Encrypted Data Source.

Step-3:Defining Encrypted –DS
        To define Encrypted DS, Add following node to path: /server/profile/subsystem/security-domains
        <security-domain name="encrypted-ds" cache-type="default">
        <login-module code="" flag="required">
        <module-option name="username" value="user_name"/>
        <module-option name="password" value="48d5a747e6dae9dddf8592078de921bc"/>
        <module-option name="managedConnectionFactoryName" value="jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=jboss/datasources/jdbc/GISCore_Pool"/>
        The node defines a DS which is having user name as user_name while password is encrypted password.
        To generate Encrypted password use following command:
        java -classpath %JBOSS_HOME%\modules\org\picketbox\main\picketbox-4.0.1.jar;%JBOSS_HOME%\modules\org\jboss\logging\main\jboss-logging-3.0.1.GA.jar  user_password
        user_password is actual password of database.
        It will generate encrypted password displayed on command line.

Step-4:Configure Security Domain
            To Define Security Domain for JAAS, Add following node to path:
            <security-domain name="LmktAcm" cache-type="default">
                  <login-module code="Database" flag="required">
                      <module-option name="dsJndiName" value="java:/jboss/datasources/jdbc/MYDS"/>
            	  <module-option name="principalsQuery" value="select login_password from t_acm_user where username=?"/>
            	  <module-option name="rolesQuery" value="select role, 'Roles' from t_acm_user  where username=?"/>